

“As a responsible Company and part of Infracable Limited will Continually Improve the quality and efficiency of our Products and Services. Infracable Limited will also promote the awareness of the Environmental Protection and Occupational Health and Safety. Infracable Limited will provide safe working environment to the staff.”

We Commit to:

  • Establish and Comply to ISO9001:2015 Quality Management System, ISO14001:2015 Environment Management System, OHSAS18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management System and all the Legal Requirements in Hong Kong.

  • Continual to Monitor and Improve the performance of Infracable Limited.

  • Try our best to prevent pollution and minimize the environmental impacts caused by our activities. Adopt the “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle” approach where practicable.

  • Strive to provide and maintain a healthy and safe working environment and work system and prevent injury and ill health for all our staff, and appropriate protection to other people who may be affected by our work.

  • Set up and validate company’s procedures and work instructions.

  • Train up our staff at all levels and relevant interested parties to ensure that the Integrated Management Policy are fully understood, effectively implemented and continually improved to achieve the objectives in quality, environmental and health & safety.

  • Encourage and promote the awareness of Environmental Protection and Occupational Health and Safety to Infracable Limited’s Suppliers and Contractors.

Infracable Limited will strive to comply with this Integrated Management Policy. Also, this Policy shall be available to all the staff, supplier and contractor of Infracable Limited.

801, 8/F, Benson Tower
74 Hung To Road
Kwung Tong, Hong Kong
T:+852 3460 5600
F:+852 3460 5610
Copyright © 2017
Infracable Limited
All rights reserved.